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Maximising ROI and Driving Growth: Key Behaviours of a Superior Performance Marketer

A performance marketer creating graphs to show that he is maximising ROI

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    As a performance marketer, your goal is to drive growth and maximise ROI for brands. But to truly stand out in your field, you need more than just skills – you need the right mindset and approach. In this blog post, we’ll delve into 8 crucial behaviours that define the best performance marketers.

    Behaviour #1: Bottom-line focus

    The best performance marketers are focused on driving real business results, not just top-of-the-funnel metrics like leads, impressions, clicks, or reach. They understand that it’s the bottom-line impact of their campaigns that truly matters and allocate their media budget accordingly.

    Behaviour #2: Channel agnosticism

    Successful performance marketers are not limited to a particular set of PPC channels. They test multiple channels to find the right mix that works best for the brand. They understand that each channel plays a unique role at different stages of the user journey.

    Behaviour #3: No assumptions

    Making assumptions in performance marketing is a recipe for disaster. Each brand and campaign are unique, so you can’t rely on past experiences to guide your decisions. Instead, let the data speak for itself and make informed decisions based on real results.

    Behaviour #4: Daily optimisation

    Performance marketing requires consistent optimisation. The best performance marketers evaluate their results daily and adjust their campaigns accordingly. This means reallocating budget, adjusting bids, and keeping an eye on performance at all times.

    Behaviour #5: Slow scaling

    When starting new campaigns, it’s important to scale them slowly and responsibly, rather than jumping straight into maximum spend. This allows you to learn, optimise, and avoid wasting budget on ineffective campaigns.

    Behaviour #6: Quick action

    If you notice that a particular campaign or channel is underperforming, don’t wait for statistical significance before making changes. The best performance marketers act quickly and adjust their campaigns based on the data they have.

    Behaviour #7: Scale what works, optimise what doesn't

    Focus on scaling the campaigns and inventory that perform well, and optimise the ones with potential. Don’t waste time trying to fix campaigns that are far off target – this is often a result of user behaviour that you can’t control. Instead, anticipate user behaviour and use it to your advantage.

    Behaviour #8: Cohort analysis

    The best performance marketers analyse their results on a cohort basis, examining data to see how different groups of users are impacted by their campaigns over time. This allows them to identify trends, improve their results, and reach their goals.

    The importance of transparency in performance marketing

    A great performance marketer is one you can trust. Ensure that your clients have full transparency into what you’re doing, and that budgets are being spent properly. Avoid working with fixed CPM or CPC deals with publishers and steer clear of media kickbacks, as these can impact performance and results.

    By following these key behaviours, you too can become the best performance marketer in your field, driving growth and maximising ROI for brands.

    Are you searching for an agency that can create a powerful performance marketing plan for your company? Reach out to us by sending an email to hello@admiral.digital.

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