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Unlock your website’s potential with admiral.digital’s SEO audit

A magnifying glass that emphasises the significance of doing an SEO audit

Table of Contents

    admiral.digital’s extensive SEO audit is the key to unlocking the full potential of your website. By having our team conduct a comprehensive analysis of your site’s performance, we can reveal technical- and content-related issues that are holding your brand back from ranking higher on search engines.

    Tackling these challenges head-on will increase your organic traffic, skyrocket SEO rankings, improve user experience and positively impact your bottom line. Here’s a list of what we address in the SEO audit:

    1. Tracking & Analytics

    • Google Analytics: Provides insights into the website’s traffic, user behaviour, and performance, enabling us to determine areas that need improvement.
    • Google Search Console: Provides insights into how search engines view your website, including what keywords and phrases your website ranks for and what errors exist on your site.
    • SEO-specific tools: SEMrush, Ahrefs, Screamingfrog, and Frase.io are SEO-specific tools that give us a comprehensive understanding of your website’s strengths and weaknesses, including keyword rankings and backlinks.

    2. Strategy

    • Keyword research: Important for understanding what keywords and phrases people use to search for products or services like yours, and how difficult it is to rank for those keywords.
    • Competitor research: Gives us an understanding of how your competitors are performing, and helps us determine how we can differentiate your website from theirs.
    • Content strategy: Crucial for ensuring that your website provides valuable and relevant information to users, and that it is optimised for both search engines and users.

    3. Onsite SEO

    • Title tags: Help search engines understand what your pages are about and what they offer.
    • Meta descriptions: Provide a brief summary of what your pages are about, and they can influence whether users click through to your site.
    • Header tags: Help organise the content on your pages and make it easier for users to understand and search engines to crawl.
    • Image alt tags: Describe what is in an image and are important for accessibility and for search engines to understand the context of an image.
    • Structured data: Helps search engines understand the relationships between different pages and entities on your site.
    • Duplicate content and tags: Must either be removed or changed because they can confuse search engines and make it difficult for them to crawl and rank your site.
    • Language tags (hrefs tags): Tell search engines what language your site is written in, helping them determine which users your site is relevant for.

    4. Technical SEO

    • Crawlability: Refers to how easily search engines can crawl and understand the content on your site.
    • Technical website errors: Can prevent search engines from crawling and ranking your site, and can also impact user experience.
    • Site speed and onsite experience: Critical for both search engines and users, and impact how easily they can access and engage with your site.
    • XML sitemap: A file that lists all of the pages on your site, making it easier for search engines to crawl and understand your site.
    • Robots.txt: A file that specifies which pages on your site search engines should and should not crawl.
    • Mobile friendliness: Mobile friendliness refers to how easily users can access and engage with your site on mobile devices.
    • Schema.org markup: Schema.org markup is a way of annotating your site’s content, making it easier for search engines to understand what your pages are about.
    • Internal linking: Helps search engines understand the relationships between different pages on your site, and can also help users navigate your site.
    • Crawl depth: Refers to how many levels of links deep search engines crawl into your site.
    • HTTPS: A secure version of HTTP, and it is important for both security and for search engines to rank your site.

    5. Performance

    • Organic traffic: Refers to the number of visitors who find your site through search engines.
    • Organic keyword performance: Refers to how well your site ranks for specific keywords in search engines.
    • Total addressable market: Refers to the potential size of your audience for a specific product or service.

    6. Offsite SEO

    • Backlinking: Refers to the number and quality of links pointing to your site from other sites.
    • Broken and lost links: Must either be removed or replaced because they can negatively impact your site’s performance, both for search engines and users.
    • Anchor texts: The visible, clickable text in a link, and they provide context for both search engines and users.
    • Competitor analysis: Helps you understand the strategies of your competitors, and how you can improve your own strategy.
    • Referral traffic volumes: Refer to the amount of traffic coming to your site from other sites.
    • Toxicity score: Refers to the potential harm a backlink could cause to your site’s ranking.
    • Google business profile: A way of verifying your business with Google, and can help improve your search engine visibility.


    In short, admiral.digital offers an all-encompassing SEO audit that delves deep into the performance of your website. Our audit is designed to pinpoint technical and content-related issues that could be hindering your brand’s ability to rank higher on search engines. 

    By addressing these obstacles directly, you’ll have the opportunity to boost organic traffic, climb the ranks in search engine results, enrich user experience, and ultimately see a positive impact on your overall profitability.

    Reach out to the team at admiral.digital to help you unlock the full potential of your website today by conducting a thorough SEO audit.

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